
Blog Start Oct 4, 2017

Prioritize I have been writing sample posts in a Google doc but they look random and uninteresting. My conclusion is that if they are uninteresting to me they will be to anyone else. If they are random, they won't make sense within a coherent context so my first task is to organize and prioritize. Random list of what I am doing: Supporting my teenage son in his homeschool studies Learning Argentine Tango Speculating with crypto currencies Investing in the stock market Maintaining my property Improving my emotional intelligence and self knowledge Learning how to support my older son in his personal growth Learning how to achieve deep connection with my loved ones Preparing for the probability of a financial crisis in the near future Maintaining my health and fitness Reading emails, network posts and newsletters Prioritized list for importance: 1. What is happening in my life right now that supports the rest of my list and might be of interest to others 2. Support
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